Speaking about Cosmetic Surgery

Discuss in English about beauty

Instagram Face: Beauty or Beast?

Your takeaway at the end of this lesson: enough vocabulary and well-managed ideas to confidently discuss the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery.

Swipe left at the bottom of the screen and select an effect to get it; the Instagram face.  A young face, with poreless skin and plump, high cheekbones, uplifted eyes, pouty lips, and overly long eyelashes. Looking good has survival value and we have discussed it in another lesson on beauty . Sensitivity to beauty is a biological adaption governed by brain circuits. Many people think that if they look good, they can get more benefits in society, and their pretty appearance can make them a more important person.

Here is where cosmetic procedure comes in and becomes trendy to fulfill the thirst for unrealistic beauty standards. On the other hand, when needed and not optional, cosmetic surgery helps people look better on the outside, which can translate to them feeling better on the inside. When a young person with a too big and funny-looking nose now has a pretty one, which isn’t sticking out for ridicule. Doesn’t it help them have more confidence to express themselves in society? Is that so bad?

In this lesson we are going to learn more ideas and vocabulary to speak about the downside and upside of cosmetic surgeries in English.

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What you already know

Test Yourself; Under the Knife
3 questions
Come up with your answer; Cosmetic Procedures
10 m

What you need to learn

Watch and Learn: Medical Malpractice
10 m
Plastic Surgery- Key Vocabulary- Part1
10 m
Plastic Surgery- Key Vocabulary- Part2
10 m

What You Learned

Dive in; Full lips
Review; Cosmetic Surgery
5 questions

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Enrolled: 4 students
Duration: 1h
Lectures: 5
Video: 10m

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