Course: Let’s Speak about Time Management!
Text lesson

Time Management-Key Vocabulary-Part Two

Let’s go through another part of the key vocabulary.

You may already know some of these key phrases. Think about how you can use them in your talk.

  1. Attention span: the amount of time spent concentrating on a task before becoming distracted. People with a short attention span may have trouble focusing on tasks for any length of time without being easily distracted.

  1. Cut/drop a task from your calendar- Add a task to your calendar: This is the how to talk about tasks in your calendar. Like in this example: I cut unessential tasks from my calendar to make my days more productive.

  1. To tweak your schedule: To make small changes in your schedule to improve it.

  1. To overstretch yourself: to spend more energy, time, money than one can afford to spend, forcing yourself into an extreme position. Like in this example: All that responsibility can often leave moms feeling overstretched.

  1. Slip by: if time or an opportunity slips by, it passes and you fail to use it or to gain an advantage from it. Like in this example: I had time to learn a new profession, but I let it slip by.

  2. Multitasking: split their attention on more than one task or activity at the same time. Like listening to the music while typing a letter.

  3. Undivided attention: If you give someone or something your undivided attention, you concentrate on them fully and do not do or think about anything else, in opposite to multitasking.

  4. Predetermined time: If you do something at a predetermined time, you decide or set it up ahead of time. Like in this example: Stock options give employees the right to buy shares of stock at a predetermined time.

  5. Distractions: something that makes it hard for you to pay attention to what you are doing. Like when you’re studying, your smartphone notifications can distract you.

  6. Disorganized work environment: This phrase is used about your work place when it’s not planned or arranged in a clear order. Like a desktop full of unneeded junk files on your laptop.