Discussion Topic; Astrology
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Myth or Reality?
What is today’s horoscope for your zodiac sign? Do you know what element you are? Do you identify your star sign? Well, you may not know the answer to any of these questions if you’re not an astrologically-inclined person. People’s belief in the influence of planetary positions on their personality or their life events, doesn’t actually mean that they have lost touch with reality. Astrology has never been backed scientifically, but many people strongly believe in it
all around the world, who are not necessarily uneducated individuals. Â Most people criticize a serious understanding of astrological predictions and consider it as superstitions, but they also enjoy comparing their zodiac sign to someone else’s to find out the compatibility in the romantic sense. There are many reasons why horoscope, astrology, or other ideas that offer a sneak peek into the future can reel in many people easier than expected.
This is the focus of this lesson. You are going to learn more ideas and vocabulary to confidently share your thoughts about this topic in English.
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