A Shopaholic

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2 reviews
speak shopaholic

Buying Happiness

Your takeaway at the end of this lesson: enough vocabulary and well-managed ideas to confidently spark a conversation about shopping habits.

For some people it’s not just an experience of spending money. Shopping is a form of self-care and forcing fun in their lives, where there is so little of it. Easily put, buying makes them happy. This experience is not always necessarily backed up by individual’s social class or income. Spending on material objects makes less financially advantaged people as happy , if not more, as people of higher social class.

Some other people are more analytic and can easily stop and think before they splurge on non-essential items. They always make sure they’re getting the value for the money they spend, not just happiness. They are smart about treating themselves.

The reasons behind impulse towards overbuying can vary from person to person, but there are many ways to stop the small or big-ticket overshopping. Let’s learn more and discuss it with other English learners.

In this lesson you are going to learn more ideas and vocabulary to have an English conversation about this topic.

Related topics: 

Where Does Your Money Go?



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What You KNow

Test Yourself; Shopping Vocabulary
3 questions
Come up with Your Answers; Spend-all!

What You Need to Learn

Watch and Learn! Big Spenders
Shopaholic-Key Vocabulary Part 1
Shopaholic-Key Vocabulary Part 2

What You Learned

Dive in; an Impossible Feat
Review; Shopping
5 questions
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Enrolled: 13 students
Duration: 1h
Lectures: 5
Video: 10m

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